Lymphatic Detox Therapy
The Lymphatic Detox Therapy is a compression massage therapy with the help of non-invasive technology. The therapy helps is removing the extra fluids satiated in our body near the lymphatic nodes. It includes a gentle form of massage that helps in improving the immunity while helping in relieving stiffness in the body.
What we include in Session
1 Personalized Diet Counseling
1 Customized Diet Plan
1 Lymphatic Detox Therapy session - 30 min session
Suggestions to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle
Complete Body Composition Analysis Recipes
Workout Plans (Yoga + Exercise)
Health Tips
Gratitude and meditation guidance
Daily support from Assistant Nutritionist for 10 days – Monday to Saturday (11:00am to 6:00pm)
Lymphatic 1 month
4 Personalized Diet Counseling
1 Customized Detox Diet Plan
3 Customized Routine Plans
10 Lymphatic Detox Therapy sessions (30 min each session)
Suggestions to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle
3 Complete Body Composition Analysis Recipes
Health Tips
Workout Plans (Yoga + Exercise)
Gratitude and meditation guidance
Assistant Nutritionist Support – Monday to Saturday (11:00am to 6:00pm)
Lymphatic Detox Therapy Benefits
1. Removes excess extracellular fluid.
2. Detoxifies the body
3. Relaxes muscles
4. No side effects
5.Reduces pain and discomfort
6. Reduces swelling and inflammation
7. Relief from bloating
8. Helps improve immunity