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Stress Healing Therapy Program


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1 Days


This program is where you Discover Serenity, Embrace our Stress Healing Therapy Program and find your path to inner peace and tranquility. 

"PHASE 1: Sound Therapy with Singing Bowl (10-15 minutes)  Sit comfortably, hold the singing bowl, and strike it gently. Rub the bowl's rim to create a calming, resonant tone. Focus on the sound and vibrations for relaxation. Coordinate deep breathing with the sound. Experiment with different playing techniques for varying effects. 

PHASE 2: Vagus Nerve Stimulation with Neuroviser (10 minutes)  Follow the VAGUS NERVE machine instructions. Place stimulation pads around the neck area. Select the right mode for stimulation. Experience gentle electrical impulses and guided meditation. 

PHASE 3: Relaxation Techniques (10-15 minutes)  Get into a comfortable position. Use guided relaxation, body scans, mindfulness, affirmations, and vagus nerve-breath connection techniques. 

CLOSING:  Transition to a seated position. Reflect on the experience and sensations. Express gratitude for self-care. Open your eyes and be aware of your surroundings. 

POST-SESSION:  Stay hydrated with a glass of water. Consider journaling any insights or feelings that emerged during the session. 


  • Includes Pranic and Stavic Ahar for dietary maintenance.
  • Total of 4 sessions per month with 8 follow-up sessions.
  • Special Inner Healing Chakra Package available for specific issues.
  • Meditation combined with blue light therapy.